Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 4/15/2020 - 3:30 PM
Category: Information Items
Type: Info
Subject: 15.1 CURRICULUM: Revised Elective Courses: Digital Photography I, Digital Photography II, and Stagecraft I (meets A-G Requirements)
Strategic Plan:
File Attachment:
Digital Photography I.pdf
Digital Photography II.pdf
Stagecraft 1 (1).pdf
Summary: The District's Educational Services Department has made recommendations for updates in our district-wide course catalog. When a course is discovered to be outdated or lack sufficient information, then a request is sent to the teacher(s) to update the course. At this time we are submitting revised Digital Photography and Stagecraft courses.

Digital Photography I & II and Stagecraft I courses were updated to meet the College Board's A-G “f” requirement. These courses meet the Fine Art class and units for an elective course.

Digital Photography I is an introduction to digital photography as an art form. Through the course the students will be introduced to concepts and practices of digital imaging and the elements of art and principles of design. Students will explore the history of photography, learning about its scientific and technological developments, important innovators in the field and relevance within diverse cultural contexts.

Digital Photography II is a course that builds on the skills learned in Digital Photography I. Students will be expected to refine their camera and editing skills to produce consistent image results. They will work on longer and increasingly complex projects, resulting in a series of high quality final images for each assignment. They will be introduced to more advanced Photoshop techniques for students to further manipulate their images to achieve planned effects. They will be challenged to participate in the theme development and investigate more conceptual ideas, allowing them to develop as independent photographic artists.

Stagecraft 1 is a high school course that is designed to teach the art of theatrical design, implementation, and production for students who are interested in set construction and decoration, lighting, sound, props, costumes, makeup, company or stage management, and arts administration. This course was written for grades ten through twelve.

The above courses have been approved by the Director of Curriculum and Instruction and the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees receive for its review and consideration, as part of the first reading, the revised elective courses: Digital Photography I, Digital Photography II, and Stagecraft I.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Julie Zierold - Director - Curriculum and Instruction
Signed By:
Charles Newman - Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:
Grant Bennett - Superintendent