Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 2/21/2018 - 3:45 PM
Category: Information Items
Type: Info
Subject: 15.6 BOARD POLICIES: Instruction (Series 6000)
Strategic Plan:
File Attachment:
BP 6142.1 - Sexual Health and HIV AIDS Prevention Instr - Strikethrough (12 15) - 03.21.18.pdf
AR 6142.1 - Sexual Health and HIV AIDS Prevention Instr - Strikethrough (12 15) - 03.21.18.pdf
BP 6152.1 - Placement in Mathmatics Courses - 03.21.18.pdf
BP 6111 - School Calendar - Strikethrough - 03.21.18docx.pdf
BP 6142.2 - World-Foreign Language Instruction - Strikethrough - 03.21.18.pdf
AR 6142.2 - World-Foreign Language Instruction - Strikethrough - 03.21.18.pdf
BP 6144 - Controversial Issues - Strikethrough - 03.21.18.pdf
BP 6174 - Education for English Learners - Strikethrough - 03.21.18.pdf
AR 6174 - Education for English Learners - Strikethrough - 03.21.18.pdf
E 6174- current - DELETE - 03.21.18.pdf
BP 6176 - Weekend-Saturday Classes - Strikethrough - 03.21.18.pdf
6000 Series Justification (12 15) Pend Adopt - 03.21.18.pdf
6000 Series Justification (03 17) Pend Adopt - 03.21.18.pdf
Summary: Education law never ceases to change and grow which necessitates that school districts update policies and regulations as well as add/delete/change policies and regulations to meet the mandates of the law. The reasons for their inclusion in the district policy manual are summarized in the attached justification document.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees receive for review and consideration, as part of the first reading: (12 15): BP/AR 6142.1 - Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Instruction; BP 6152.1 - Placement in Mathematics Courses; (3 17): BP 6111 - School Calendar; BP/AR 6142.2 - World/Foreign Language Instruction; BP 6144 - Controversial Issues; BP/AR/E 6174 - Education for English Learners (Exhibit deleted); and BP 6176 - Weekend/Saturday Classes.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Marilyn Saucedo - Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:
Grant Bennett - Superintendent